Sunday, September 16, 2018

The cyber world is worried and again malware attacks.

The cyber world is worried and again malware attacks. According to the report, the new virus has infected 25 crore computers in India
The cyber world has not been fully relieved of the damage inflicted by Vanac. A new threat has been raised. The new firewall, a firewall, attacks internet browsers. Fireball can monitor the use of infected computers and mobile phones and install other dangerous software without knowing the owner. Fireball will be able to slip personal information of companies and individuals and change the information without the owner. Chinese hackers are behind the fireball virus that takes advantage of the security of computer networking. According to a private cyber security firm, checkpoint, about 25 crore computers have been affected in India. Checkpoint indicates that fireball is more dangerous than vanail
Warning given.


  1. Malware attacks are crazy even US can't stop you for it. Make sure to always have a logo for your business.
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